Some Afrikan men violate Afrikan Women. And, by so doing, intensifying the Black Death we have become somewhat accustomed to within our families. There is no REASON for Rape (meaning: legitimate logic). But there are plenty of causes. We keep being shocked by rape statistics. We keep saying men must change. We keep shouting that perpetrators should be castrated. As if any of this really is going to stop rape.
The question we don’t dare to ask is: How come we, descendants of Afrikan majestic nations and inventors of human civilisation, keep raising children, of whom some grow up with only one outlet for pain: Hurting their own. What is it that we are NOT teaching some of our boys who’s sense of manhood grows into twisted desires for Black on Black domination? What guidance is it we are NOT providing for some Afrikan boys when the only way they can act out their inner war is by soul-killing another being of their own image?
Deep down we don’t believe there is a cure for rape. We act as if it is unresolvable. We behave in such a way that when WHO one day will suggest to put all Afrikan men castration-medication we will be so worn out in our Misery of Self that we can only agree. How did we become such powerless spectators in the drama we live on a daily basis? Why are we sheepishly avoiding to see the picture that emerges when we combine our layers of oppression with our failure to re-create and sustain Afrikan power?
It is in the midst of these unanswered (and, even, un-asked questions) that rape, in its own morbid way, makes a lot of sense.