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"History works through people and we have availed ourselves to history to work through us"- Bantu Biko

Sisulu Rebuttal

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Dear BLACK Women of Mzansi,

“The most dangerous African today is the mentally colonised African. And when you put them in leadership positions or as interpreters of the law, they are worse than your oppressor”   Lindiwe Sisulu.

To appreciate this rebuttal, it is necessary to first study the article written by former Tourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu and published in the Daily News on Wednesday 21 June 2023. There are kernels of truth in Sisulu’s article, which would render this rebuttal unnecessary had her views not originated from within the ANC. She reveals the unspoken purposes of her article through the posturing of honest versus dishonest factions within the ANC, notwithstanding their own principle of collective responsibility. Sisulu stands in defence of Busisiwe Mkhwebane, the now deceased Tina Joemat-Pettersson, and herself, all three women, from within the ANC, deployed to positions of authority.

BlackHouse Kollective Soweto (BHK) brings to this discussion, unchallenged evidence, and allegations, in affidavits submitted by Mike Stainbank, the rightful owner of two trademarks: The Apartheid Museum® in Class 41 and Class 35. Harvesting only salient elements from affidavits, Black women of Mzansi may become better informed about the depravity in ANC politics that gave birth to the longest-running trademark case in the world, ANC patriarchy, racism and more, sanctioned deceptively by Sisulu. The ANC version of patriarchy serves only to protect white colonisers and their ill-gotten wealth.

After studying Stainbank’s 48-page full-colour prospectus, Solly and Abe Krok, the Zionists behind the Gold Reef City Casino bid, arranged a clandestine meeting with President Nelson Mandela, at his home in Lower Houghton. The sole purpose of that secret February 1999 meeting was to secure Mandela’s endorsement of the Kroks as the visionaries behind The Apartheid Museum.

Who needs reminding about the Kroks’ brutality on Black people, particularly Black women. The Kroks, for 40 years, made substantial profits during Apartheid by inflicting direct pain and trauma on Black people through their hydroquinone and mercury skin whitening cream experiments. The Kroks, like all whites, have continued to profit from black suffering through the ANC-sanctioned theft and dispossession of Stainbank’s property: The Apartheid Museum®. We are not blind to the ways in which ANC women in positions of authority resort to amnesia when White supremacist patriarchal violence is perpetrated against ordinary Black women in Mzansi.

On 29 January 1999, barely a month earlier, Mandela, who had received Bra Mike’s 1998 prospectus, congratulated him in writing. The Apartheid Museum® he said, would contribute to “nation building”. Stainbank’s registered trademark The Apartheid Museum® is mentioned seventy-five (75) times throughout his prospectus. Mandela, fully aware of the theft proposition, immediately agreed, to a quid pro quo, at a price. The brothers Krok, on behalf of the casino, with Chairman Reuel Khoza, agreed to pay that endorsement bribe. History, in writing the fact of betrayal in that ANC arrangement of 1994, will find corroboration in the mission and vision Bra Mike documented for The Apartheid Museum® he alone conceived.

BHK for the past ten years, has walked with the Stainbank family in their struggles against the South African Judiciary. This judiciary has corrupted statutory law and, with other organs of state, populated by ANC Cadres in positions of authority, spawned extreme torture, trauma, loss of dignity and utter destitution.

The judiciary has been left untouched by Parliament which writes our laws. Sisulu knows full well that the separation of powers, among Deployed ANC Cadres, at the expense of justice, was deception from the outset. The truth in Sisulu’s attack on the judiciary may have deceived us too, had it come from elsewhere.

For this short rebuttal, we rely on the unchallenged evidence and allegations of Gold Reef City Casino fraud against visiting tourists, as submitted, directly to Tourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu in 2022. According to Stainbank, Lindiwe neither investigated, denied, nor called the police. We are once again witnessing the use of ANC patriarchy to protect White racist culpability, ironically through the efforts of women in positions of authority.

Sisulu, speaks the truth in her allegations about White mainstream media. However, the ultimate indictment against Sisulu’s opinion is definitively located in selective memory. Media never confronted ANC Deployed Cadre Thuli Madonsela, for not holding the Registrar of Companies to account for a fraudulent 81-page company inception file.

Media, like the Section 194 Enquiry led by Qubudile Dyantyi, never held Mkhwebane to account because she never mentioned the criminal agreement between Mandela, Gold Reef City Casino, and the Gauteng Gambling Board. Never mind her corruption of statutory law, violation of the constitution, and blatant untruths that pertain in PPSA Report: 70 of 2021/2022. Not one of thousands, in positions of authority, including Mkhwebane, have ever questioned how the casino licence could possibly have been made permanent, in 2001, without fulfilment of the contractual obligation to build FREEDOM PARK. As long as women in positions of authority fail to confront White racism in the judiciary when they possess the political and legal standing to do so, they are complicit in perpetuating patriarchal practices that lead to racism and anti-blackness.

*POSTSCRIPT: On completion, I checked with Bra Mike Stainbank, to ensure that my opinions are in fact supported by his unchallenged affidavits. He congratulated me, then criticised me for omitting his allegation that the ANC, in 1994, agreed to act as BANTU ADMINISTRATORS. Yet another unchallenged allegation.

Zandi Radebe is a co-founder and director of BlackHouse Kollective Soweto, and an activist scholar within the Azanian School of Thought-Action.  01 JULY 2023

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