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Maudi Obed Maphutha

The Real Stories Of 2008 In The Political Game

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2008 has been a year fully of its own stories and happenings. The narration can be revert back to December 2007 a period on which ANC sat in University of Limpopo for its 52nd national conference. It was in this conference wherein a new leadership was elected to run the high public office in the country. President Thabo Mbeki was barely defeated in that emergence while contesting to run the high office for the third term since his first appointment in 1999. Soon after his defeat, the most much talked about conference sat in Mangaung in the Free State Province, where a youth wing of ANC was going to elect its new leadership, wherein veteran Julius Malema was elected as Fikile Mbalula’s successor. The conference in question, which was according many and me as well, did not go well, it is the same youth wing which since then, has been given much publicity and unremorseful comments.

Events after event have taken place after the said gatherings, until “my fellow South Africans” speech was made in September 2008, which has seen many political heads vacating and relinquishing their responsibilities, in “sympathy” with Mr. President. But most of the talked about issue, is the issue of June 16 statement which was made by Mr. Malema and Comrade Vavi. The “we are willing to kill for Zuma statement”, has garnered more publicity than any other statement. The blame that I want to attach to my fellows is that, the statement was made, criticized and reprimanded only by members of the public and usual followers of ANC like you and I. then if the current leadership of the party was serious about discipline as per their allegations, then why the same people who made that statement were never disciplined, I beg to differ with the allegation that there is discipline within ANC and its alliance partners, there is none. Later at the stage, it emerged by comrade Julius and Vavi that, when that statement was made, it was literally quoted out of context.

I have said in my previous article regarding this allegation that, maybe it will be advantageous of our leaders to be primarily conscious and assertive about what they say, more especially at a public eye. Because my common believe is that, you can never allege that you have been quoted out of context with that nature of a statement, if the Security of the country was prejudiced, then corrective measures have to be deployed to rectify that prejudy. The hounourable Mr. Malema was interviewed by various radio stations, trying to understand his literal meaning of being quoted out of context, and believe you me; there was never a valid explanation which came forth regarding that statement. The only explanation he could give was, ANCYL has been reckless and will forever remain that way, citing Peter Mokaba as an excuse with his famous statement “kill the boere, kill the farmer” corporate identity statement.

The formation of Congress of People has however never came as a surprise, because the moment comrade Musiwa Lekota cited his disgruntlement with the current political transition within ANC, he was referred to procedures that he was supposed to raise his disgruntlements with, of which it imminently failed to address his problems, though such dissatisfactions were never made known to public. Clearly something was stalking after ANC, considering the current divisions and happenings inside the party. After the recalling of Thabo Mbeki, two senior officials were recalled, that being Premier of Western Cape, Eastern Cape and the resignation of Gauteng Premier, not so surprising isn’t it? Beyond that, there was a Zapiro cartoon which was circulated, simplifying how the Judiciary was being pulled by a leg, by the same senior officials in the government. This cartoon was collectively reprimanded, with the same officials implying that, the cartoonist has gone too far considering the drawings.

I don’t see anything wrong with that cartoon, good work Jonathan Zapiro, a real good move and a serious freedom of expression considering several expressions expressed by comrade Julius Malema which were never reprimanded, you were quoted out of context as well. The disbandment of the Scorpions and its integration into SAPS, I honestly believe that ANC was just being unfair to its own followers and the weakness that the leadership of Msholozi has shown, considering his decision. Scorpions must be brought back, there are several senior citizens of this country that have serious criminal activities against them and such needs to be investigated and prosecuted. In brief, a smooth political transition is needed, an improved communication strategy within the ruling party, clear objectives and missions that will enable ANC to achieve the wishes of the Freedom Charter document are some of the critical points that needs to be revisited.

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