Contrary to general perception, there are many kinds of intelligence. I can mention artistic, academic, sports, spiritual intelligence. Emotional intelligence embodies all these as it encompasses being and relating and being in-sync with our feelings and moral obligations.
“Society” has made us believe that academic intelligence defines intelligence as a whole. This is ignorant of the fact that intelligence comes from an ability to think in a logical way, think independently, understand things in a logical manner, know how to apply knowledge and come up with ideas, theories and solutions.
Human beings are gauged by emotions. A person turns from a human being to a person when they are civilized, disciplined and understanding of the world. This explains why raising children is considered by many , to be a challenging task. Attaining a state of healthy emotional health is an intriguing process.
Emotional intelligence begins with intense self-awareness. Understanding yourself from your personality to emotional triggers. Precise consciousness. When you are aware of yourself as a person, you gain a sense of empathy and learn to manage your emotions as you fully comprehend the make-up of a person-with you as point of reference. It becomes easier to repair emotional breakdowns and motivate yourself from life’s mediocre. Accept change, ease into new roles and embrace life.
With these qualities you are able to build and maintain healthy relationships. Relationships are a pre-requisite of existence. No man is an island. We need one another, whatever the role may be. It’s ironic because as much as people bring happiness and life, they create disappointment and sadness. But these are the mysteries of life we will never fully comprehend.
When one is emotionally intelligent, they can mirror a person as a human with strengths and weaknesses, swimming through the tides of life. I personally believe people are essentially good. “Badness” shows a lack of intense discipline, the absence of emotional intelligence. “Badness” is giving in to negativity without consciously calculating situations.
Being a person is state that requires effort and renewal. It’s a continued effort. I mean, imagine if you were not potty trained, taught to clean yourself and surroundings and all that as a child, what kind of person would you become as an adult? Every person needs to be refined and move from a state of rawness.
Many people seem ignorant of this little reality. As a person, you have to grow from a point of nil to a peak of wholeness. It may seem insignificant but what is the use of your everyday routine? What will happen when you’ve managed to carry the goal in your wallet but have an empty soul and mind? A life well lived is colourful and directed in a purposeful direction.
I’m also still on this journey and find it interesting and worthwhile. It’s not detached from everyday life; I have assimilated it into my lifestyle. The lighted ness of the human spirit is covered by a duvet of uncertainty. The essence of life is in living and the foundation of living is emotional intelligence. Those who raised you had to do their bit. Do your bit and everything else will piece together.
Recommended reads: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
EQ: Emotional Intelligence by Stephanie Vermeulen