Welcome to BLACK MEN’S LEKGOTLA Saturday 6 June 2015
SHABAKA – MEN OF AFRIKA invites all Afrikan (Black) men to BLACK MEN’s LEKGOTLA. This time, the venue is the TSALANANG LOUNGE at Pretoria Showgrounds (Pretoria West). The theme for this practical and interactive seminar is: AFRIKAN MAN UNLIMITED: Power, Purpose & Potential (Pt II).
Date: Saturday 6 June
Time: 10:30 for 11am
Venue: Tsalanang Lounge
Address: G2 Gate on Soutter Street
Location: Pretoria Showgrounds (Pretoria West)
Info: 074 690 4012
Bring: Notebook, pen and at least R20-R30 (to buy communal lunch)
See map here: http://tinyurl.com/khv8zmq (“Tshwane Events Centre”)
Theme: AFRIKAN MAN UNLIMITED: Power, Purpose & Potential (Pt. II)
What is the strength and ability of an Afrikan Man in today’s world? How to improve your role as a Father, Partner, Brother and Entrepreneur? How do we become powerful, have sense of direction and develop our skills to the maximum?
Program: Presentations, discussions, solutions and inspirational Brotherhood
BLACK MEN’s LEKGOTLA; A space for Brothers to reflect, share, grow and change. The “lekgotla” (which means “council”/inclusive meeting of importance) is an informal and inspirational seminar with presentations, reflections, exercises and discussions for Afrikan/Black men of all age groups.
SHABAKA – MEN OF AFRIKA is an initiative for and by Afrikan men for empowerment and growth. The program, which started in 2010, seeks to build a movement for Afrikan men who will contribute to a healthy, strong and revived Afrikan Family which can draw from its cultural past and be relevant to the needs of contemporary Afrikan communities. Activities for 2015 include workshops in various communities, mentorship and seminars for Black men.
Tel: 074 690 4012
E-mail: info@ebukhosinisolutions.c
Web: www.ebukhosinisolutions.co
Facebook: SHABAKA – Men of Afrika