About Us

www.consciousness.co.za is an online African History and Arts lifestyle magazine founded in 2006. Our main focus areas are on African History, Spirituality & Healing, Art (Visual Arts and Performing Arts), Opinion, Book Reviews, Fashion/Beauty, Black Consciousness, Pan Africanism, Biographies, Poetry, Short Stories, and Interviews.

Our vision is to foster self-love and unity amongst people of African descent, and also provide them with platforms for self-expression.

We subscribe to the principles of the African Code (http://www.africancode.org/) :

1) Truth & Justice : To practice and retain truth based foundation in all our dealings and be just and moral across the board
2) Self-Determination : To protect and promote the authentic African voice and African agency
3) Unity : To efficiently and efficiently foster Pan-African unity which creates work to create a better world for African people. To absolutely reject binarism and divisiveness. But create Pan-African tolerance and harmony. Utilize the resources and skills in our community.
4) Culture : To protect and advance the best traditions of African culture via African agency
5) Education : To promote education in self-awareness, our environment and skills needed for nation building
6) Family : To protect the family and promote the institution of equity and marriage and create safe loving homes
7) Economics : To enhance the African economic profile and ownership of Africans globally. Especially products and services Africans use, and end economic dependency. To stimulate inter-trade in the African world and create clean capital.

Africans, as a group, must build constructive spheres of interest around common challenges. However, today African unity is more definable by a common history of oppression as opposed to common shared ethos. The African code is a hub for African development beyond passports and ethnic, geographical and religious lines. The African Code is drawn from our diversity as a racial family, so whether we are Voodoo, Muslim, Igbo, Jewish, or Christian, we can apply core principles and display our unity on the basis of those principles. The key is to foster a plural united Africa which respects and knows about each other, hence creating a new harmonious African future. (Source: http://www.africancode.org/)

The Team that makes consciousness.co.za Magazine possible (past and present)

Consciousness.co.za Magazine Team

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