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African Heritage and Its Influence On Todays Youth

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Ubuntu Dead?

Compiled by: Bongani Nhlapo (2010-10-01)

It goes without saying that traditional African customs, practices and the way in which morals are upheld have indeed changed from the days of our fore-fathers. As far as it is to say change is good and inevitable but change can happen as long as that which makes us Africans does not.

“African Heritage” encompasses a variety of aspects key to those aspects is honouring our values and customs, treasuring them and most importantly passing on these values to future generations. Furthermore, African Heritage is putting the values of Ubuntu at the forefront within present day’s changing times. Many a people especially our elders realize that there has been a huge level of decline in the way that the youth conducts itself nowadays and furthermore this has in some way lead to our African values being tarnished, not having the impact that they have and a general lack of direction.

True to say that we the present generation cannot lead the lifestyle that maybe our forefathers lead but the lessons, rituals, rites of passages and principles passed on from generation to generation should not in any way be done away with regardless of modern times.

Heritage I believe has had a positive influence amongst the young as it nurtures in us a sense of pride, dignity and a deeper understanding of who we truly are as the young. African heritage is not only restricted to Black people has its footprints on our White, Indian and Coloured counterparts because we are all children of African soil.

It is however imperative that we learn from other nationalities as Africans to broaden our ideologies of what humanity is. The West has had a huge mark on our people be it positive or negative but it is what we as a people do that really matters.

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