No matter how far a man urinates, the last drop will always fall between his legs
Sometimes it’s easier tell a lie than to tell the truth. With a lie, a…
Freelance Artist/Writer - "I don't suffer from insanity. I thoroughly enjoy it. You're just jealous coz the voices only speak to me." -I'm crazy enough to be loads of fun - sane enough not to be locked up (...well, permanently that is..) smart enough to hold my own - and shallow enough to not be a bore!
Sometimes it’s easier tell a lie than to tell the truth. With a lie, a…
Forgiveness is one of the biggest challenges people face because it requires one to let…
There is a lot of pressure on us as young people today, especially because of…
Spring has sprung and no one is more excited about it than me! It’s a…
So for one glorious month, women have license to reign. For the duration of August, we…
There was a time when little children where little children and elders were elders. A…
So how often have you heard your parents say something negative about the nature of…
It is a fact that the world classifies people, separating: the attractive people from the…
It is a common theory that: what is has been and shall be again. That…
A friend of mine once told me, “Ignorance is being content with stupidity”. That it…
The legacy of our fore-mothers is one which induces both pride and responsibility. We come from…