SHABAKA – MEN OF AFRIKA invites Black Men to a full-day retreat focusing on how to understand and transform Black Manhood, relationships, marriage and sexuality from an Afrikan male perspective. The main objective is for men to improve their understanding of healthy and empowering relationships and sex, in response to the Black Condition and guided by Afrikan Wisdom.
MEN ON THE MOUNTAIN is strictly for Afrikan Men who wish to improve their ability to reflect, be honest and become stronger in mind, principles and actions. The program is based on Pan-Afrikan values and will be facilitated by Baba Buntu and leaders from SHABAKA – Men of Afrika. There is no age restriction, but we recommend that you should be at least 18 years of age. Fathers are encouraged to attend with their (teenage and up) sons.
If you want to take part in this, please inbox your name, age, email-address and cell number, or send to e-mail: info@ebukhosinisolutions.c