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Thando Sipuye is an executive member of the Africentrik Study Group at the University of Sobukwe (Fort Hare). He is currently a History Masters Candidate at the Govan Mbeki Research & Development Centre under the South African Research Chairs Initiative at the University of Sobukwe (Fort Hare). He writes in his personal capacity.

Invitation to the Inaugural Zondeni Veronica Sobukwe Tribute Lecture

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To celebrate Women’s Month and the many dimensions of the ignored and erased life of Zondeni Veronica Sobukwe, as well as the crucial role she played in our country’s history, the Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe Trust, together with the Blackhouse Kollective, will host the inaugural Zondeni Veronica Sobukwe Tribute Lecture at the Mofolo Art Centre (Library) on Saturday, 12th August 2017.

You are cordially invited to the inaugural Zondeni Veronica Sobukwe Tribute Lecture. Mama Sobukwe epitomises the collective experiences of many other Black women throughout the continent, whose roles and contributions in the liberation struggle remain unacknowledged, written out of popular historical narratives, biographical memory and national consciousness.

The inaugural Zondeni Veronica Sobukwe Tribute Lecture will be delivered by Mo’afrika Ellen Mothopeng, former President of the Africanist Woman’s Organization (AWO) and daughter-in-law to the former President of the Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC), Zephania Mothopeng.

Date: Saturday, 12th August 2017
Time: 12:00
Venue: 1209 Mzilikazi Street, Mofolo Art Centre, Mofolo, Soweto

Speaker: Mo’Afrika Ellen Mothopeng, Former President, Africanist Women’s Organization (AWO)

RSVP: rsvpmamasobukwe@gmail.com
Enquiries: Zandi Radebe (zandiradebe@gmail.com ; tsipuye@gmail.com  / 078 243 8830 ; 060 454 4949)

Limited seating is available and guests are encouraged to arrive early and be seated by 11:30am.

Although this invitation comes at this late stage, we do hope that you will be able to join us in celebrating the life of this indomitable woman, and make this initiative a success.

Many Thanks

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