Kgaugelo is the author of “Optical Illusions”. a motivational book full of poetry, prose and short stories.
What is Optical illusions about, why should people go out and read it?
I would like to look at Optical Illusions as an outward expression of a personal journey. Through the book I wanted to convey my deepest thoughts as a young person growing up in a world full of turbulence, confusion and uncertainty. It’s more of a spiritual quest with a difference because I did not follow the conventional way of looking at things.
The biggest discovery which I had to share was the oneness of life which eventually formed the central theme of Optical Illusions.I feel that folks should go out and read the book because it answers the most well founded questions of the human race which leads to spiritual freedom and a better understanding of this mystery we call life. It is critical now more than ever for everyone to realize their essential nature as Consciousness beyond any mental labels and concepts and this book paves a way by introducing the average person to the spiritual world.
Your publication is well-researched, structured and very insight full. How long has this been in the making?
Well as I have mentioned this is a portrayal of a personal journey, in principle I have been writing this book my whole life even though the actual putting together started this year in April. It took me about 6 to 7months to have the final manuscript.
You have a theme or rather a message that you convey repeatedly. I have read many authors saying the same thing. What makes your point of view different?
I love this question- I can say that most writers are a bit afraid of moving away from the status quo especially when it comes to spiritual matters. Personally I had to gather courage and suggest a fresh view because up till now tradition has done more harm than good. People need freedom and thus far religion especially has chained them using the appealing what I call ‘ disguise mechanism’ Someone once said” Though chains be of gold they are still chains”
So I was one of the people who got tired of the gold chains and took it upon myself to initiate change. As you know change is sometimes not comfortable which is why I expect some people not to accept my view at first, but with time they will get through the transition and find the freedom that I’m trying to point towards.
I love the story “the break through’ it’s a beautiful story, defiantly my favorite chapter. Is Precious a fictitious character?
Thanks for the compliment, I really love the breakthrough myself because when reading it everyone somehow relates. All of us are Precious’s in our own unique ways which is why it was easy for me to deliver the story so well. Precious does not exist objectively, but the story sounds so real because I tapped into the Sources world of revelation and I captured the story as I was inspired.
Finally, as an artist in know how fulfilling it is to finish off a project like this. What are your expectations?
Ha ha ha, I saw that one coming .The biggest satisfaction as you know comes with the knowledge that you were able to express your deepest thoughts lucratively. Deep within me there is a strong sense of accomplishment which is priceless, and right now I just want to see the honest response from my readers because this is just the beginning of the series. I honestly expect the book to cause some form of controversy to some people, because of the radicalism of some of my notions.
Other than that I hope that it would be well received as I wrote it from the depths of my being and I expect it to be received in that dimension by the reader.