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Baba Buntu is an Activist Scholar and Founding Director of eBukhosini Solutions; a community-based company in Johannesburg, specializing in Afrikan-Centered Education. As a Pan-Afrikan educator, writer, mentor and practitioner, Baba Buntu has more than 30 years of experience in conceptualizing and contributing to programs on social development, innovative entrepreneurship and cultural empowerment. He has founded a number of community interventions based on practical approaches to Black Consciousness and decolonial methods. With experience from working engagements in Afrika, the Caribbean and Europe, Buntu’s passion lies within people-centred development for practical empowerment of Afrikan youth, families and communities. He holds a Doctoral and a Master Degree in Philosophy of Education from UNISA.

TO BE OR NEVER BE: There is a difference between Doubting your Something-ness and Knowing Your Nothing-ness.

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Elaboration: When you doubt your somethingness, you keep asking questions about your abilities of Self, and you keep asking because you are not sure exactly how to improve, change or grow. However, the fact that you are asking means you expect something, and demonstrates that you believe in a form of Self, even if doubting it. When you KNOW your NOTHING-ness, it means you don’t even consider reflecting, inquiring or expecting anything from Self, because the possibility of a meaningful Self does not exist.

(Keep in mind, here, that “Self” does not necessarily mean “individual” – there is a duality of personhood and communal being that makes up the complexity of Afrikan Self)

So: Hold on to your Something-ness – it is in your continuous journey of collecting the dismantled pieces of a fragmented Self, and carefully shaping it towards Complete Being-ness that Afrika is slowly and gradually being rebuilt.

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