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Baba Buntu is an Activist Scholar and Founding Director of eBukhosini Solutions; a community-based company in Johannesburg, specializing in Afrikan-Centered Education. As a Pan-Afrikan educator, writer, mentor and practitioner, Baba Buntu has more than 30 years of experience in conceptualizing and contributing to programs on social development, innovative entrepreneurship and cultural empowerment. He has founded a number of community interventions based on practical approaches to Black Consciousness and decolonial methods. With experience from working engagements in Afrika, the Caribbean and Europe, Buntu’s passion lies within people-centred development for practical empowerment of Afrikan youth, families and communities. He holds a Doctoral and a Master Degree in Philosophy of Education from UNISA.

Where the revolutionary sistahs at?

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Some Brothers claim there are no (or few) conscious Afrikan women out there…. But, quite a few seem to be TALKING about their fantasy of the conscious woman, why they in REALITY partner with the woman who is not so conscious….

Statement by a YOUNG BROTHER:

I was explaining the fundamental differences b-twin Nelson Mandela & Robert Sobukwe to my girlfirend, damn!! I had to break that shit down like I was breaking it down to a 5 year-old, she was the one who asked that question but surprisingly she gets my point but she insists that she loves Mandela because the world wouldn’t luv him if he was bad & he brought peace & now we can also live in white suburbs becoz of him….LMFAO, I asked her: “What about the land baby?”, she responded:”The land doesn’t matter, people must just look for jobs & stop being lazy.”, she said Mandela was clever at the end becoz he looked after himself & his family and made sure everybody loves him, she said Sobukwe was being too stubborn that’s why the world doesn’t care about him. Please comrades tell me, are our people’s minds that far gone? Damn I feel I’m gonna need some back up to deal with some of this muthafucka that people are spewing around me. Where my revolutionary sistahs at? A brutha needs u, I definitely need a good joint to digest some of the bullshit I just heard and maybe a new girl, I can’t afford to have brainwashed kids…. Damn!!

Baba Buntu’s response:

Brothers, if you are with an “unconscious” sistah and you “cant find” other conscious sistahs, I think it speaks volumes about you as a brotha. How did you end up in a relationship void of political synergy? What were you looking for in the first place? Were your forced into this? Tricked? Coerced? You probably walked right into it, free and smiling. And NOW you’re mad? Claiming you are “victimised” by only weak options for love? Come on!

Black Consciousness cannot be something you just discuss. It must be lived. So, if you are with a BlackSkinWhiteMask girl, it must be because you dont know how to approach a Grounded Afrikan Woman. As Black Men, we need to stop prophesising how lost Sistahs are. If they so lost, WE allowed/encouraged them to be. Oh yes, there are plenty “lost sistahs”. And LOADS of “lost brothas”. However, I know far more Afrikan Grounded Women than I know Afrikan Grounded Men. Tell me where you hang out and I will tell you what kind of women you are checking / skeeming / used to / lusting over / comfortable with.

Many of us as Afrikan Men have adopted a standard for The Afrikan Revolutionary based on listening to selected conscious music, being versed in particular Black book classics, smoking blunts, cussing the white man (when he is not in the room), talk about the land, talk about the sell-out government, talk about how useless other Black people are, point out everyone who is NOT revolutionary – and then go home to sleep. With an “unconscious woman”. Wow – if that doesn’t sound like a White Supremacy Receipe for Black Annihilation, what does?

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