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Fine Artist Social Entrepreneur - I'm the piano player, composing my life's soundtrack. Mondego: If u want to put the world right, start with your self.. live your passion !!!!! `If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!!` words by My Late great Grand Father

The City Vagabond 2012 (Wesley Pepper – Artwork)

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The series of dry point prints are inspired by events that took place over the past three years from ‘09 – to 2012. Since my last body the pigeon/city vagabond was a static , bold and sometimes melancholic figure. I represented him as victim of circumstance a tragic figure trying to find his way through the city or life.

Three years on and much has changed. I had to endure major changes in both my personal and professional life and I see myself as a victim who took chances that eventually paid off. Instead of the city being this unforgiving place it became an artificial being shaped by its inhabitants. The buildings became energy conductors , instead of it towering over me  it became part of landscape. There is a popular saying  ‘when in Rome, do as the Romans do’ only problem is that this isn’t Rome, its Joburg here we play by our own rules , we take charge and  bend life to our discretion. It’s not the city that kills us it’s ‘fear’- this realisation inspired me to portray the pigeon/city vagabond as a flamboyant , sometimes majestic  bold figure.

These two are a diptych.

1)Title: 9:30 in the Morning  Meandering  with Dreams and Ambitions 


Description:  9:30 in the morning, the city can be rather inspirational. Throughout the late morning there is a awaked silent’s and  artificial drone in the air. Before my career took off I used to take walks around the city bouncing ideas and dreams off the concrete walls hoping that one day it will take root and bare fruits.


2) Title:  9:38 in the Morning  Meandering  with Dreams and Ambitions 


Description: 9:38 in the morning, the city can be rather inspirational.  Throughout the late morning there is a awaked silent’s and  artificial drone in the air. Before my career took off I used to take walks around the city bouncing ideas and dreams off the concrete walls hoping that one day it will take root and bare fruits.


3)Title: The Black Touching the Sky


Description: The pigeons/city vagabond represents ‘black’ consciousness ,  the sky , the world that we find ourselves in. The large opens spaces of the sky is a conceptual representation of the vast and often unforgiving space that ‘consciousness’ often finds its self in. As artists it’s our moral duty to  create awareness , inspire and usher in beauty, but sometimes it feels like our voices are lost in this vast world . I wanted to represent this complicated issue in an unproblematic manner.


4)Title: Organised Chaos – The Legend of the Vagabond


Description: I explored the relationship between the hustle and bustle of the city streets verses the chaotic lifestyle of the city dwellers. The city is can be a  fanatical space, yet  there is a symmetry ,  a frequency , a rhythm to the craziness. An organised chaos to the madness.


5)Title: Mondego the City Vagabond


Description: ( Mondego , my alter ego). Over the past three years life dished out lemons and became tough. Mondego tackled this adversity head on and ultimately overcame it. I represented him an extravagant pose – which represents he’s character alongside his lifelong partner – Merceres nemeses Dantes and a few onlookers.


6)Tile: Soaring above  our Adversity 


Description: The inspiration behind this piece came from a spoken word session I attend mid 2011.

The spoken word came along way since 2002  when I attended my first session at ‘Cool Runnings’ in Melville. Since then the movement became a small industry

I  became  involved as a publisher in 2005 and saw people come and go however the passion for the Words , Expression , Artistry and Creativity grew exponentially. The metaphor stuck and on my way home I saw the vagabond/pigeon take off from the ground in spectacular  fashion.

I conceptualised used that image to represent the splendour of creativity and seeing it take off.


7)Tile:  Shoulder to Shoulder , Comrade


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