Where the revolutionary sistahs at?
Some Brothers claim there are no (or few) conscious Afrikan women out there…. But, quite…
Baba Buntu is an Activist Scholar and Founding Director of eBukhosini Solutions; a community-based company in Johannesburg, specializing in Afrikan-Centered Education. As a Pan-Afrikan educator, writer, mentor and practitioner, Baba Buntu has more than 30 years of experience in conceptualizing and contributing to programs on social development, innovative entrepreneurship and cultural empowerment. He has founded a number of community interventions based on practical approaches to Black Consciousness and decolonial methods. With experience from working engagements in Afrika, the Caribbean and Europe, Buntu’s passion lies within people-centred development for practical empowerment of Afrikan youth, families and communities. He holds a Doctoral and a Master Degree in Philosophy of Education from UNISA.
Some Brothers claim there are no (or few) conscious Afrikan women out there…. But, quite…
Some Black Men are scared senseless when they meet Strong Black Women (I’m talking grounded…
As South Afrika celebrates “Heritage Month” (a dangerous month that is said to make everyone…
Most Afrikan Women and Men find themselves “thinking too much”. We think so deep, so…
Elaboration: When you doubt your somethingness, you keep asking questions about your abilities of Self,…
I am aware that some Afrikans are under the illusion that Black oppression is over.…
Question from “Tshepo” (21 years old): Baba, I want to be a responsible Afrikan man,…
A critique of the speech made by Thabo Mbeki on behalf of the African National Congress in…
Let me just level for a minute, gotta get this off my chest; I mentor…
The institution of marriage has been a fundamental socio-economic stronghold and source for cultural sanity…
Young Afrikan Man (asking): I WANT TO READ, BUT I STRUGGLE TO FOCUS – HOW…
Conspiracy theories have a numbing effect on Afrikan people. Mostly because they are masked as…
Do you pray? Mindful that I’ll be stepping on a number of sensitive Black toes,…
I’m sure it has happened to all of us; Leaving an activist / community /…
Daughters and Sons of AFURAKA, dwell on this question today: “Do you KNOW your purpose?”…
When you say you don’t know your purpose, you are articulating the strongest sense of…
I respect and admire strong Black women and I know that a significant reason for…
Some Afrikan men violate Afrikan Women. And, by so doing, intensifying the Black Death we…
http://www.ebukhosinisolutions.co.za/ The following is a letter written by Baba Buntu in response to questions from…
I constantly come across young Afrikans who just give a blank stare in response to…