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Founder: The Apartheid Museum™ BOOK: We look at White people and we think Oh! MY GOD! TRUE story of The Apartheid Museum. public@fraud2001-019108-08.org.za

Brian Tlhabi of Gold Reef City Casino one among other criminal non-white directors

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BRIAN BRYNNER TLHABI is the full name of one among other non-white directors of Akani Egoli (Pty) Ltd. In 1997, two applicants came before the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB) to bid for the limited number of casino licences available in the Gauteng Province. The second applicant was Akani Egoli Management (Pty) Ltd, where one finds, the now Deputy Judge President, Phineas Mojapelo, as a director, with Reuel Jethro Khoza. Solomon and Abraham Krok, the Zionist twins who led the White directors, positioned Reuel Khoza, as Chairman of Gold Reef City Casino. Gold Reef Resorts Limited, listed on the JSE, was the holding company for, among other properties, Gold Reef City Casino. Casino Austria International (CAI) held a 30% share in Gold Reef Resorts Limited.

The initial bid application was submitted on 12 June 1997 and the GGB Public Hearings were held on 12 November 1997. This criminal syndicate of White and non-white casino bosses comes into existence under an ANC led regime that marketed the misplaced imprimatur: Black Economic Empowerment, as a panacea for restorative economic justice.

We instituted legal proceedings against the owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Licence after reading the manifestly fraudulent press release that the casino distributed to local and international media. On 02 December 2001, journalist Charlotte Bauer of the disgraceful Sunday Times, knowingly, published that fraudulent misrepresentation thus:

“The Apartheid Museum as a concept was conceived four years ago by business tycoons Solly and Abe Krok, as a carrot to be dangled before the Gauteng Gambling Board in the hope of securing a gambling licence for the Gold Reef City Casino”.

On 02 December 2001, I was the legal owner of two registered trademarks. In line with my vocation to educate, in 1990, I registered the trademark: THE APARTHEID MUSEUM® under SERVICES in Class 41: Education and Entertainment.

That 1990 trademark, renewed in the year 2000, under the new Trademarks Act, was then recorded in Part A of the Register under Registration No:1990/03560. Our 48 Page prospectus, published in 1998, coincided with the Class 35 registration of our SERVICES Trademark The Apartheid Museum® Certificate No: 1998/13337.

We the people, by way of statute, instructed the GGB to conduct probity checks, to ensure that the privilege of our Public License will only be awarded to fit and proper persons. On 12 November 1997, at the Public Hearings, the Chairman of the GGB, Advocate Isaac Vincent Maleka SC, assisted by Advocate Ishmael Semenya SC, listened as the White Supremacist criminal, Solomon Krok explained the casino commitment:

“I believe FREEDOM PARK is a must see attraction and I believe that we will do everything in our power to make sure that we build that project even if we have to scale down the rest of the enterprise because we think that what South Africa needs is tourism. I think it behoves us to do that. So, only as a last resort would we cut down on FREEDOM PARK.

Nowhere is there any mention of The Apartheid Museum. The “carrot” was FREEDOM PARK, a Verwoerdian styled concept of local tribes, each exhibiting their tribal affiliations in a cultural village of some sort. The GGB awarded the two applicants a temporary casino licence subject to the condition that FREEDOM PARK, as per the submitted concept, is built within a period of three years.

Our lawsuit against the owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Licence was allocated Case No: 23679/2002 TPD. Their answering affidavit is brazen. They admitted that Gold Reef City Casino colluded with the South African Government and the ruling ANC. The guardians of the Gold Reef City Casino License, holding a fiduciary duty to shareholders and public, on their own version, corrupted statutory law. All eighteen years of violence, torture and unlawful dispossession my family has suffered, under this South African Judiciary, is embedded in the following, blatantly dishonest, self-destructive paragraph:

“The business known as Gold Reef City and Casino, which is operated by my company, does not trade or operate as “The Apartheid Museum”. The organisation which operates as “The Apartheid Museum” is a company registered in terms of Section 21 of the Companies Act with registration number 2001/019108/08, by the name of “The South African Apartheid Museum at Freedom Park”, which is not a party to this application. In the premises a separate application for such expungement has now been launched by the said Section 21 Company under case number 32237/2002, which I propose should be heard simultaneously with this application as the same facts are applicable to both applications.”

This fraudulent misrepresentation is proven by the fact that, to this day, there is not one shred of evidence anywhere, not even at SARS, to show that the said Section 21 Company has ever traded or operated – not even for a single day. The words, “registered in terms of Section 21 of the Companies Act” were intended to deceive the court into the belief that there is in existence, a JURISTIC PERSON, with a “legal right to sue or be sued” in a court of law. Every court, under the control of Deputy Judge President Phineas Mojapelo, believed the owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Licence. So it is that, from Case Number: 32237/2002 through to Case Number: 14590/2013, over a period of 18 years, all our human rights – with extreme violence against my family and others – have been violated.

Brian Brynner Tlhabi is a fraudster criminally involved in transnational fraud and racketeering. He has nevertheless, since 17 July 2003, lived a contented life, full in the knowledge that they, the guardians of the Gold Reef City Casino Licence, never so much as applied to the Registrar of Companies, for the registration of: THE SOUTH AFRICAN APARTHEID MUSEUM AT FREEDOM PARK (8 Words).

BRIAN TLHABI and REDI DIREKO were married on 12 September 2010. Just over a year before their marriage, on 16 July 2009, Redi Direko, the respected talk show host on the Johannesburg based Radio 702, met with Mr Christopher Till at the edifice that the owners of our Public Licence will have the world believe, was “conceived by Solly and Abe Krok, as a carrot to be dangled before the Gauteng Gambling Board.”

Christopher Till is a Rhodesian who fled independent Zimbabwe. He is a racist White criminal fraudster, who, with the authority of the owners of the Gold Reef City Casino Licence, also swore under oath that THE SOUTH AFRICAN APARTHEID MUSEUM AT FREEDOM PARK, is registered in terms of Section 21 of the Companies Act. It was only after an appeal to Public Protector, Advocate Thuli Madonsela that the Registrar of Companies released an inception file that purported to be that of the said company. An inspection of the file reveals that it is nothing more than a cut paste and photocopy forgery.

Solomon Krok, George Bizos, Steven Joffe, Christopher Kroese, Kim Feinberg, John Kani, Sidney Abramowitch, Richard Moloko and Christopher Till are listed as directors. Attorney, Lesego wa Lesego – a Black man, also listed, has emphatically distanced himself from the fraud. None of the criminals followed his example. Neither did they dispute his version.

Sixteen months before their marriage, Redi Direko, bearing all the influence she had earned as a respected talk show host at Radio 702, gave credence to the criminal conduct of her husband when he signed off on that answering affidavit, dated 01 November 2002. Twelve years later, in an effort to bring an end to my publicly exposing their fraud, they demanded my imprisonment. I could have avoided prison if I had apologised and signed the document, they had prepared for me. I flatly refused every opportunity to comply with their demand. I did so primarily because Black property has been unlawfully seized by White racist savages from the mid 1600’s when they first landed on Afrikan soil. We have been murdered and imprisoned, whenever we fought for our property – and our dignity.

Europeans were largely underdeveloped when they arrived here. Barbaric and brutal in nature, they could not conceive of a common humanity. The racist White criminals that Brian Tlhabi chose to bed with, have never been able to move beyond the savage nature of their forebears. The European, gun and bible in hand, interrupted the organic development of humanity, through the slave trade, genocide and a host of other atrocities, that destroyed our language, culture, spiritual beliefs and our hopes and dreams.

Don’t Call Me Lady: The Journey of Lady Alice Seeley Harris, tells of the unrestrained violence of King Leopold 11 of Belgium, following the Berlin Conference of 1885. The author and photographer notes that in the 23 years that Leopold II ruled the Congo he massacred 10 million Afrikans by cutting off their hands and genitals, flogging them to death, starving them into forced labour, holding children ransom and burning villages. Without photographs that cause Afrikans to weep; here is an extract on the story of NSALA.

“He hadn’t made his rubber quota for the day, so the Belgian-appointed overseers had cut off his daughter’s hand and foot. Her name was Boali. She was five years old. Then they killed her. But they weren’t finished. Then they killed his wife too. And because that didn’t seem quite cruel enough, quite strong enough to make their case, they cannibalized both Boali and her mother. And they presented Nsala with the tokens, the leftovers from the once living body of his darling child whom he so loved. His life was destroyed. They had partially destroyed it anyway by forcing his servitude, but this act finished it for him. All of this filth had occurred because one man, one man who lived thousands of miles across the sea, one man who couldn’t get rich enough, had decreed that this land was his and that these people should serve his own greed. Leopold had not given any thought to the idea that these African children, these men and women, were our fully human brothers, created equally by the same Hand that had created his own lineage of European Royalty.”

When Redi Direko met with Curator Christopher Till on 16 July 2009, they were campaigning with Radio 702 and the Nelson Mandela Foundation. The United Nations was moved to declare the 18th July – Mandela Day. The scheme they devised “to make the world a better place” encouraged every human being on the planet to spend 67 minutes doing something that embodies “the spirit of Nelson Mandela.”  George Bizos, and the other racist White savages, criminally involved in this morally repugnant international scam, unlike Alice Seeley Harris, have yet to transcend the barbaric ethos of their forebears.

Much like Brian and Redi Tlhabi, we too had dreams for our children. As children, in a single parent home, my siblings and I knew grinding poverty, notwithstanding our beloved mother’s every effort. Today, after 18 years, the cost of a ream of paper competes with a meal, as we go out in search of justice. It wasn’t always like that for my family. In the telling of the TRUE story of The Apartheid Museum, I am NSALA, awaiting murder, rather than witness our children – butchered as they have been for the past 18 years.

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