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Fine Artist Social Entrepreneur - I'm the piano player, composing my life's soundtrack. Mondego: If u want to put the world right, start with your self.. live your passion !!!!! `If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!!` words by My Late great Grand Father

Hello Ambassador – Project 3 Open City Project

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Source: http://www.helloambassador.co.za/

open city

Workshop Summary

If we want change we have to make it ourselves. This workshop will explore direct:democracy + citizen:directed design by co-creating through play a cartography of street:art throughout the streets of Newtown. The city:bomb expedition will end in a secret yum:restaurant with a conversation on imagining the future and how we can make what we imagine.


oP3n:c1tY:ProJ3kt is a multi:disciplinary street:art project that approaches city space through the social reality of the streets as a dynamic space of experimentation and vitality. We are interested in the people that use, create and imagine the vernacular meshwork of history, race, culture, language and aesthetics that make the streets and their collective futures. We take creativity out of regulated spaces and pour it onto the streets.


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