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Paseka Lesolang

Entrepreneur and Christian

How To Write A Proposal Letter

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Please find the below; just some hints to enhance your request’s consideration. Bearing in mind the basics i.e. heading, grammar, punctuation, structure, lingo (depending on your prospect) etc. the given details are subject to change due to the approach, situation and the prospect, however, serve as the basics of ‘asking and receiving’. A template if you wish.

In any form of communication, one’s feedback of a message is often determined by HOW you say it not WHAT you say. May the tips bellow improve your approach to your ideal prospect(s)!


Do by all means to direct the letter to a specific individual upon which you have slightly/thoroughly researched and know what he/she prides upon or considers critical in his/her field.

1) Start by complementing the enterprise/the persons work(s) then the person reading the letter simultaneously by the researched data

2) State the intention of the letter

3) Thank them for reading thus far and ensure its worth their while further

Example: It gives us great pleasure for our proposal to be read by a prestigious man of your stature who has overcome so much in the midst of crises and yet remain so humble and generous to the aspiring; we are honoured. You Are Smart indeed! We at Consciousness will remain inspired by the context of your book and desire to leverage your quest in reaching the broader public, especially the youth who need your insight. We appreciate your anticipated attention to know more of our suggestion and assure you satisfaction.


4)Bring out their vision and state how you can leverage it i.e. State

the current number of viewership and the increment per month in

numbers upon your website

5)State how monthly increment has surpassed projections

6)Keep as short as possible

7)Patronize the reader and be sincere about it

8)Rekindle their vision via them being the catalyst of your progress

i.e. Most well established enterprises want to reach the youth, but

don’t know how, show them how >business wise!(compare your stats

converted into money by estimates, should they assist)

9)If it is money you want; State how much you want with 30% increment.

This will give you latitude for negotiations; should they claim the

request to be too high you can reduce it slightly every counter offer

until you reach an agreement, if all goes well you might have just

lost the 30% and receive 100% of what you initially wanted. And if

they are feeling generous enough to fund the initial offer it works to

your advantage to have 30% reserved in your coffers, which strengths

your financial muscle.

10)If there are funds in your coffers or generated via such/any other

initiatives, the amount should be stated, thus the prospect rests

assured that the initiative and commitment is there. Many find it much

easier to give a lot to the one who has something then give a little

to the one who has nothing; “put your money where your moth is”.

11)If it is equipment you want then try to negotiate for tangible

objects rather than money, in that way you reassure the prospect that

you were not going to squander the funds if they were to provide and

they don’t feel their pockets weight reducing that much.

12)State any contribution towards the reduction of the requested will

be appreciated. Therefore you should have a breakdown of the requested

and if the prospect cannot cater for all, he/she might just cater for

one of the broken-down segments.   In your counter approach to

prospects that have declined you, due to the large request, you could

re-approach them with the above strategy.

13)Do by all means to suit their criteria of CSI (Cooperate Social

Investment), SR (Social Responsibility), and SR (Sustainability

Report) and remember, if you are to or intend to, do not approach them

as if they owe you, but show them the benefit of doing so.

Example: Your enterprise will be promoted as the catapult of our

existence whenever, wherever, however our product is exhibited. This

initiative will indicate the value of your Cooperate Social Investment

as both our enterprises thrive and will enhance your Sustainability

Report, which we trust will ultimately lighten you taxes. If there is

any other obligation you might request from our behalf, during the

period of our cooperation, we would be more then delighted to perform

to your satisfaction.


14)Acknowledge how busy he/she is, thank him/her for reading

15)Appreciate her anticipated understanding and reply

16)Do not mention things you do not have i.e. physical address, just

insert the residential address where you operate. Prospects don’t

often visit, besides you are still establishing, hence the letter.

Many people would careless if you are on the streets, as long as you

do not indicate their adequate benefit in your request they will

regard your request as another ‘so what story’.

17)Close with Kind Regards, Best Regards, Yours in Business… not the

norm; the objective is to be unique in your request as professional as


Example: I can only imagine how busy you are. Thus, once again; the

time spared to read and reply to our respectful request is highly

appreciated. Thanking you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.

Yours in Business,

John Doe

Founder and Managing Director

Email: info@yourwebsite.co.za

Web: www.yourwebsite.co.za

Cell:  079 000 0000

18)Where possible, deliver the letter personally

Remember, it is not what you say it is how you say it. Communicate To

not At the reader.

Summary of the Above

1.Be sincere. Do not promise anything that you cannot deliver. Forget

about the benefits to yourself and concentrate to the benefits of the

other person.

2.Know exactly what it is you want for the other person to do.

3.Be empathetic. Ask yourself what is it the other person really wants.

4.Consider the benefits the other person will receive from doing what

you suggest.

5.Match those benefits to the other person’s wants.

6.When you make your request, put it in a form that will convey to the

other person the idea that he personally will benefit.

We could give a request order like this: ‘John, we have customers

coming in tomorrow and I need the stockroom cleaned out. So sweep it

out, put the stock in neat piles on the shelves and polish the

counter’. OR we could express the same idea by showing John the

benefits he will get from doing the task: ‘John, we have a job that

should be completed right away. If it is done now, we won’t be faced

with it later.  I am bringing in some customers tomorrow to show our

facilities.  I would like to show them the stockroom, but it is in a

poor shape.  If you could sweep it out, put the stock in neat piles on

the shelves, and polish the counter, it would make us look efficient

and you will have done your part to provide a good company image.’

Note the assumed research about John:

*Prides in the way the stock room looks

*Interested in contributing to the company image

*The job has to be done either way, but if he does it now he won’t

have to do it later

It is naïve to believe you will always get a favourable reaction from

other persons when you use these approaches, but the experience of

most people shows that you are more likely to change attitudes this

way than by not using these principles – and if you increase your

successes by even a mere 10%, you have become 10% more effective than

you were before – and that is YOUR benefit.

Besides; if you believe you can, you have reason for trying. Success

stops when you stop. You have to keep on keeping on!

And always remember: It is not What you say, but How you say it!

If you were John which approach would have urged you to cooperate?

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