Final farewell for Ntate Dr. Motsoko Pheko
Dr Motsoko Pheko: Azanian Revolutionary, Legal Scholer, Philosopher, Author, Historian, Leader, Pan Afrikanist, Internationalist, Husband,…
Dr Motsoko Pheko: Azanian Revolutionary, Legal Scholer, Philosopher, Author, Historian, Leader, Pan Afrikanist, Internationalist, Husband,…
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Mr. Speaker, Sir, Sons and Daughters of the soil, I wish, in opening this conference,…
The 27th of January marks the birthday of Tsietsi Mashinini who in terms of South…
Conquest, the ANC and the ideology of Human Rights in South Africa Prior to the…
By Gladys Qabukile Nzimande-Tsolo When people speak about the Sharpeville-Langa Massacres that occurred on 21st…
The timely City Press article by Benzi Ka-Soko on Sunday, 15 July 2018, titled “Affirming…
Post-1994 South Africa has a theatrical crisis of selective amnesia and partisan re-memberings of history.…
90 Years of Struggle, Suffering & Sacrifice , delivered by Mo’Afrika Ellen Mothopeng, former President…
Nothing dramatizes the continued silencing, burial and incarceration of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe like the recent…
Remember Sobukwe! Footage on a great son of Africa, one that has been deliberately erased…
Source: http://www.panafricanperspective.com The following is by Dr. Motsoko Pheko former President of the PAC : Road…
Source: www.pac.org “His life epitomised the cold, calculating, vindictive brutality of Apartheid; his mind and…