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Fine Artist Social Entrepreneur - I'm the piano player, composing my life's soundtrack. Mondego: If u want to put the world right, start with your self.. live your passion !!!!! `If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!!` words by My Late great Grand Father

Wesley Pepper – The Open City Project – Infecting the City Project 2015

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Description of the Project:

Our project approaches city space through the social reality of the streets as a dynamic space of experimentation and vitality. We are interested in the people that use, create and imagine the vernacular meshwork of history, race, culture, language and aesthetics that make the streets.

By taking creativity out of regulated spaces and pouring it onto the streets.

We see the mushrooming numbers of evictions as echoing and reinforcing history as a violation of what it means to be human. The fact that citizens of a country do not own the land they are from, brings the logic of neoliberal democracy in to question.

We will express through our public installation and poetry the voices and feelings of those who are excluded and marginalized by the process of security, privatisation and surveillance of city space that this vision imposes.

We want to in our artwork and in our structures to replicate the aesthetics and feel of an eviction.

Below is footage taken over 2 days:


What happened during (The Open City Project) – Infecting the City Project 2015 in Cape Town:

We built at the train station square eight structures, to install our sixteen primary artworks.

Over these primary works we layered these structures with text, photos, popular images ,maps of evictions and resistances .

While we work our pieces, a poet (Paulsaid Paunde) described with his words the politics and emotions of the images we were constructing. The poet moved between and around the structures reciting his poems.

In front of the structures was our director of operations behind a desk (Wesley Pepper the creator of the project) covered in diagrams and maps describing evictions and evicted areas, interacting with spectators as city public relations.

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