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Am I your mule or your child?

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Swallowing condoms filled with heroine, cocaine and the list goes on…

87 condoms filled with heroine in one little 12 yr old boy’s stomach,
yes 87 condoms ….

What I’m talking about here is the sick market of children used as drug mules

And guess who is selling them into the market, there very own mothers…

More and more the fight for some “form” of normality seems to rise. The ability to let a child just be a child seems to be something of the past and seems to be a rare sighting in today’s times.

If children are not being trained as soldiers or sold into the sex slavery market, we now have them swallowing condoms loaded with harmful and destroying drugs…

Transporting them between world international airports with drugs either inside there body or attached to them somehow.

Mothers say poverty is the reason they must resort to this way of making money, it’s the only way they can “help “there children.

When we are living in days where we require a child to swallow 80+ condoms to feed them, surely we must stop …

How can we not pause and start to be a helping hand to the poverty right on our door step…

Sometimes we get angry at the lady begging and pleading

B U T what if her next resort is selling her child as a drug mule to make money.

Sure it gets frustrating at every corner to “deal” with the beggar and we cant help everyone

but I urge you, help where you can…save a child from “swallowing”

by LauRelle
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