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Fine Artist Social Entrepreneur - I'm the piano player, composing my life's soundtrack. Mondego: If u want to put the world right, start with your self.. live your passion !!!!! `If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!!` words by My Late great Grand Father

#Im Sick Of This Shit – Social Activism

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The Concept: 

 Brainchild of South African renowned fine artist Wesley Pepper (www.wesleypepper.com) and in celebration of www.consciousness.co.za Magazine’s 10 year anniversary, the concept stems from the Street Art Consciousness  that Art is Not Exclusive! That art is a  verb and not a noun.
We are producing a commercial product with the aim to galvanize a specific consciousness across the globe, to stimulate socio-political discourse and change.
‘Im Sick Of This Shit’ is conceptualized around the general frustration the whole world is feeling towards authority and or systems that are upholding their power through the oppression, manipulation and ignoring of weaker/disenfranchised  individuals or groups .
The idea is to get people to take photos/Selfies of them wearing the T-shirt in spaces, locations or even situations that represent what they are ‘sick’ of then upload the image on social media with the hashtag #ImSickOfThisShit

To order a t-shirt for R250 contact:

  • Wesley Pepper (Johannesburg) on wesleypepper@gmail.com or call 0765471444
  • Karabo Mkhabela (Pretoria) on admin@consciousness.co.za or call 0798090041
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