I like the revelation that men cannot create any physical materials, but can only manipulate God’s creations, like: turning iron into cars, turning trees into chairs, and so on…but man, in his mind can create something in the spiritual to be so real like fear, anxiety, worry etc. These things (fear, anxiety, worry) can be so real that they can paralyze you and you can lose “hope”.
Now, if you don’t know that there are other parties (God and Satan) involved in such situations you might succumb to these things (fear, anxiety, worry). God says “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) And on the other hand, Satan plans is to “steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10). God has given you “A sound mind to choose between life and death” (2 Timothy 1:7).
Therefore, choose life; Satan always wants to set the agenda in our lives using these things (fear, anxiety, worry). He wants us to constantly focus (pay attention) to him instead of God. We find ourselves monitoring what he is doing in our lives or we find ourselves asking “what else is he going to bring our way?” and while we focused on these things; he is, in the mean time drawing us away from God. And the bible says that “No two kings can rule the land, you either choose one or forsake the other” (Matthew 6: 24)
Couldn’t these things (fear, anxiety, worry) be the reasons why we find ourselves saying statements like “Look after number One” or “live to die another day”? and we end up caring only for ourselves and for our close families, while we forget about people out there who are in need (The body of Christ). Mind you, need does not necessarily equate to money. Sometimes all people need is your time; for you to listen to them or to encourage them (give them hope for tomorrow).
Satan has caught us in his strings (fear, anxiety, worry) and he is playing with us like puppets. We are just making it through the day; we are living to see another day while missing what God is doing for us and most importantly what He is saying to us. He says “seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and everything else shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). He also says “Do not worry about what you are going to eat, wear or drink and that as much as He takes care of nature, how much more will He take care of you who is more valuable to Him than nature itself” (Matthew 6: 25-26)
Man cannot create,