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Rush hour traffic

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Introducing The Awareness Zone

We get frustrated in traffic–sitting behind a string of cars. Hooters are going off and hand signals waved (take note its not the PEACE sign ). t r a f f iccommonly known to one as the m o v e m e n t of vehicles on a road , in an area Or  traffic conversely… often  relates to  illegal trade in goods such as drugs or weapons as oxford defines.

But did we ever think that next to ‘traffic’ , instead of rush hour , peak or drugs ,that the word HUMAN would be found.. The precious human kind.

That across nations HUMAN TRAFFIC would be spilled on newspapers,billboards and news headlines.

A price on a life.

Did we ever think we would see lives become a commodity, for numbers signed

How is this price calculated ?

What makes your price – cheap or expensive ?

The saying ” a life is priceless” really begins to loose its essence , while ” HOW MUCH FOR HER OR HIM OR THEM ?” Now becomes our ever present reality .

Some say “not everything has a price” , others say ” everything has a price”

The question at hand is – at which point do we stop putting prices on “things” ?

Or is it to late as the ‘thing’ has now become HUMANITY ?

Imagine from LOVE146 on Vimeo.

This is a world existing in its own paradigm , driving millions of lives to slavery confined…

For a 4 year old girl to be required to “SERVICE” men up to 40 times in a day — does this just get called ” business as usual” OR does it provoke something in you that says “..but she is just a little girl ”

These lives tempted and raided  ,then Lured and assured and totally persuaded and invaded…

Come on

the result…. disillusioned child… lost woman,…broken spirits and Crushed hearts

We all have switches

We all have a line that  says ” this has gone to far”

What is yours with this FASTEST growing crime or is it business ? OR has a switch just gone on.

Next time you stuck in T R A F F I C , instead of the cars you see piled up infront and behind you – imagine and picture strings of woman,children and even men queing up for a SALE.

Now imagine u were in the que , or you sister ,your brother , your child …

Will you HIT the hooter in the “traffic”

Or will you hear the new hooter going off.

Its now the human cry.

Can you hear it…. That’s the sound of traffic… Not the common kind you know…. But the sound of lives being transferred to and fro…

– End –

We get frustrated in traffic–sitting behind a string of cars. Hooters are going off and hand signals waved (take note its not the PEACE sign ). t r a f f ic… commonly known to one as the m o v e m e n t of vehicles on a road , in an area Or traffic conversely… often relates to illegal trade in goods such as drugs or weapons as oxford defines.

But did we ever think that next to ‘traffic’ , instead of rush hour , peak or drugs ,that the word HUMAN would be found.. The precious human kind.

That across nations HUMAN TRAFFIC would be spilled on newspapers,billboards and news headlines.

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